Updated: October 24, 2019
Halloween is just around the corner, so it's only right to share with you guys the top 5 most haunted hikes on Oahu. You may have heard stories or places to avoid, but we give you the in depth story behind it all. So sit back, relax, and get ready for some spooky tales of Hawaii!
1. Kaneana Cave
Ancient Lore:
The cave is approximately 100 feet tall and 450 feet deep. The story goes that a shapeshifter named Kamohoali'i lived here. He could transform himself from a shark into a man. He and his human wife gave birth to a son, Nanaue. The son soon discovered his taste for human flesh, like all man-eating sharks, and disguised himself as a human to trick his victims. He would drag his victims into the cave and eat them. Hawaiian people were forbidden to enter the cave, fearful that they would be attacked and eaten by this shark-man. It is also said that the souls of deceased Kahuna (priests) haunt the cave to this day.
Our story:
I personally have been inside the cave and I gotta say that I have strange vibes every time I come here. I don't go inside the cave anymore but I have been all the way to the back. The cave goes pretty deep and you need a flashlight to explore inside. Now, I just do the Upper Makua Cave hike and don't even enter the cave. Lots of strange things happen here.
Ancient Lore:
Banyan trees are believed to hold lost spirits and Manoa Valley is full of them! There is also said to be Night Marchers in the valley. Night Marchers are a group of spirit warriors making their way to unseen battles. If you ever encounter one, you will hear drums and might feel frozen or paralyzed. Never look directly at them. However, near the Naniuapo trail used to be old plantation houses for the Japanese. Some say that spirits of the deceased still roam around the abandoned homes.
Our Story:
The people we encountered on this hike was really creepy. One old man we saw was holding a machete. He says he was just chopping down trees, and he seemed like a nice guy, but I wouldn't want to get on his bad side! He chatted with us for a bit and followed us along the trail and went his separate ways at the junction. So he wasn't a ghost or anything, but he could've been Freddy vs. Jason or something!
The second man we met on the hike was an old Japanese man. He seemed like he couldn't really speak English too well. He was coming towards us as we were heading towards the waterfall. He was wearing a white business suit, in the pouring rain with a black umbrella. Now where was he coming from? Who knows! I don't think he was hiking in that! And he looked super clean, like no mud or anything on his clothes. It was incredible. We passed him by and asked him, "How much longer to the falls sir?" He replied, "What? No waterfall here." We were a bit confused. "We are here for the hike? To the Naniuapo Falls?" Then he said, "Oh I see. Nice to see you guys!" And he went on his way. It was a little weird and creepy. We turned around and he was gone. We didn't see anybody else for the rest of the hike. I know this was an old village in Manoa in the past. Could he have been one of the residents living here in the olden days? Who knows. We were scared, but continued on our way.
3. Sacred Falls
Ancient Lore:
Sacred Falls is known to the Hawaiians as Kaliuwa'a meaning "the leaking canoe". It is said that a mischievous demigod lives here known as Kamapua'a. This demigod could take the shape of a man or pig. He would often steal food from a local village. The villagers became fed up with him and set out to hunt him down. Kamapua'a ran into the valley and created a double-hulled canoe to help with his escape. However, he was only able to finish one side before the villagers caught him The unfinshed hull is what is now known as Sacred Falls. Another ancient story is that the water in the pool by the falls has no bottom. Never try to swim to the bottom because something will pull you under.
Our Story:
I have come here many times and I always feel unwelcomed. It is like somebody is watching you all the time and you can feel the eyes watching you. I have also heard drums in the distance hiking here. I have even encountered rocks falling right in front of us! Always be respectful, especially in ancient Hawaiian places. Many people have also died here and that is why the hike has remained closed. I'm sure many spirits haunt this area.
Ancient Lore:
Night Marchers are said to come out at night in certain spots, including Pali Lookout, Kualoa Ranch, Ka'a'awa Valley and Kalihi Valley. There are also stories that people have heard them in the day time as well. Night Marchers are looking to avenge their death, looking to enter the next world or going into battle. You must never interrupt the procession of a Night Marcher. They are set on reaching their destination. Never look them directly in the eye either. It is best to lay down and stay still until they pass.
Also never pick the Lehua flowers. The story goes that Ohia and Lehua were madly in love. One day Pele met Ohia and decided she wanted him. However, Ohia was not interested because he loved Lehua. However, because of extreme jealousy, Pele turned him into an Ohia tree. Lehua was so unhappy with what Pele did and the other gods decided to turn her into the red Lehua flower so that they would never be apart. When you pluck the Lehua flower, it will rain. The rain is said to be the tears since Ohia and Lehua cannot stand to be apart.
Our Story:
I have been to Kalihi Valley to the Ice Ponds and have heard drums before. I even heard strange music and nobody was around at all. I have also been up on the ridges and have never picked the Lehua flowers, even though they are so beautiful. As you go deeper into the valley, more strange things happen especially because no other hiker really goes back there. Always be respectful.
5. Pali Lookout
Ancient Lore:
Most people know of the haunted stories surrounding Pali Highway. There are so many ancient stories about the Pali, but the main one would be the Battle of Nu'uanu in 1795. Kamehameha I divided his warriors and outflanked his enemies, driving them into Nu'uanu and up the Ko'olau mountain range until they were backed against the Nu'uanu Pali. Hundreds of warriors jumped or were pushed over the Pali, a sheer cliff dropping thousands of feet into the valley. More than 800 skulls were recovered during the development of Pali Highway. People believe that the spirits of these warriors haunt the area even til this day.
Another story is the legend of Morgan's Corner. A girl and a boy was in the car having a good time when they heard a noise outside. The boy went out to take a look. The girl fell asleep in the car and the boy never came back. When she woke up, she heard a thumping noise on the roof of the car. She went to look outside and her boy friend was hanging from the tree.
Another popular myth warns us not to take pork over the Pali. They say that your car will break down for no apparent reason. Taking pork over the Pali is an insult to the spirits. Two ancient Hawaiian gods, Kamapua'a and Pele, were once lovers. They finally came to accord by laying claim to separate territories. It is speculated that taking pork over the Pali is like breaking their treaty.
Our story:
I have done many hikes in the Pali area and some places I feel like there are spirits watching me. While taking pictures on a waterfall one day, we felt a presence that made us feel like we weren't welcome there possibly telling us to turn around and go home. I have never done a hike at night over there, but I would expect a lot of mysterious occurrences have happened.
There are tons of other spots on Oahu that are haunted. Do you know about one that is not on the list but should be? Have you encountered any spiritual or spooky occurrences that you can't explain? Leave a comment down below!